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ITWAS QUICK coordination of care by
a teamof six physicians from four specialties
at Kadlec Regional Medical Center that
not only saved the life of 31-year-old
Ulyana Kuzmycz, but also helped
deliver her healthy baby daughter.
Ulyana, who was 35 weeks pregnant,
began having chest pain. Heart problems
ran in her family, so she knew it was
important to see a cardiologist. At
her September visit, cardiologist
Fadi Alqaisi, MD, discovered Ulyana
had an aortic dissection, which is a tear
in the inner wall of her aorta. Blood was
flowing between the layers of her heart,
forcing them apart.
It was a life-threatening situation.
Within an hour, the team of specialists
was assembled to determine how best to
proceed, while the life of bothmother
and baby hung in the balance.
“We knew we had to save both of these
lives,” said Kadlec Clinic cardiothoracic
surgeon Hannan Chaugle, MD, who
Keeping Care at Home
performed a nearly eight-hour surgery
to repair her heart.
But the heart surgery did not take
place until after she had an emergency
cesarean section performed by
obstetricians Kevin Turner, MD, and
Kenton Sizemore, MD.
Little Nina was born, weighing
6 pounds despite being five weeks early.
Just a few minutes later, Dr. Chaugle
began her open-heart surgery in the
same operating room.
“The patient did really well,” said
Dr. Chaugle. “It was amazing. It was
one of those days when you feel good
to be a cardiac surgeon and you’ve done
something good for the patient—in this
case, not just one, but two.”
Dr. Alqaisi agreed. “We are very
excited about having the patient survive
this highly fatal condition, saving the
baby without any effects and also that
the patient is still in good condition for
future pregnancies.”
According to Ulyana’s husband
Daniel, “Given the astute care you have
at this hospital, you saved her life.
“You can’t escape the duality of life.
My wife almost died and my daughter
was born. There is something very
honest about that,” he said. “I am
totally blessed. I have an amazing,
amazing woman in Ulyana. She’s
strong, she’s stubborn and she’s got
a great heart.”
Now one successfully surgically
repaired, which allows her to hold their
tiny new daughter.
make a difference
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is published by Kadlec Health System
888 Swift Blvd., Richland, WA 99352
(509) 946-4611
Mary Lynn Merriman, MLM Communications, editor; Kim Fetrow,
ImageWorks Media Group; Mark Roberts Photography; Nikki Ostergaard;
Tri-City Herald,
Editorial Board chair:
Nikki Ostergaard
Editorial Board members:
Al Wichtendahl;
Angela Mohondro; Antoinette Burnside; Delt Clark; Heidi Hill;
Jeff Clark; Jim Hall; Julie Chavez; Julie Meek; Kris Gauntt; Bryan Payne;
Meg Fallows; Nan Domenici; Renee Sams; Roger Casey
The material in
is not intended for diagnosing or
prescribing. Consult your physician before undertaking any form
of medical treatment or adopting any exercise program or dietary
guidelines. Information in
comes from a wide range of
medical experts. Models may be used in photos and illustrations.
Copyright © 2012; Coffey Communications, Inc. CUN27694c
Daniel and Ulyana Kuzmycz hold their newly born baby Nina following Ulyana’s heart surgery.