Valet service
Patients and other guests can access the valet
service at the two major entrances to the
hospital. Valet offers assistance in and out of
the vehicle, general directions and campus
"e Garden
Just off the main lobby, The Garden offers several
seating areas, a basalt fountain and beautiful
landscaping, which changes with the seasons.
Massage therapy
Free of additional cost, and without need of a
doctor’s order, patients may request a visit from
an in-house massage therapist. Massage can
help decrease pain and anxiety, accelerate post-
operative recovery and offer patients an increased
sense of well-being.
Pet visitation
Dogs registered with the Delta Society are
welcomed into the patient rooms several times a
week. Visits from these furry friends have been
shown to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting
Educational resources
Kadlec has a medical librarian available
to provide assistance and access to
reliable medical resources. In addition, the
Kadlec Health Resource Center (located in the
River Pavilion) is available 24/7 offering computer
and Internet access as well as a variety of medical
Patient access to medical records
Kadlec encourages patients to review their medical
chart, tests, medications and prognosis. This allows
the patient to ask for clari#cation or have questions
Music and entertainment
A grand piano is located in the main lobby of the
hospital for patients, visitors and staff to enjoy.
Local volunteer musicians perform on a regular
Even as the body heals, patients can stay
mentally fresh and entertained with magazines,
movies, books and newspapers.
Computer and Internet access
Complimentary Wi-Fi access is available for
patients, family and friends while at Kadlec.
Laptops are available for checkout through our
Concierge Services.
Sutch Park Project
Just north of the Kadlec campus is a grassy area
called Sutch Park. Kadlec has undertaken a project to
make this area more accessible and pleasing to Kadlec
patients, guests and staff.
The project includes adding a swinging bench, picnic tables,
and raised $ower beds, and three cherry trees have also been
planted. A new kiosk provides a map including the distance of each lap,
along with information about some of the $ora and animals in the park.
I had to take my mom into
the ER at Kadlec today. We
were very concerned about
her as she was having
some awful pains, looked
pale and had some serious
concerns about her kidney
and shoulder. She’s had a
lot of medical challenges
throughout her life. It always
brings tears to her eyes and
reminds her of the pain she
has suffered.
The staff all really went
the extra mile to listen and
learn about her. She dreads
needles and they had to
give her an IV.
I was very impressed with
their dedication to making
my mom comfortable and
reduce her pain.
The personal touch
from the staff made this
experience very nice for my
mom. I have to say, being
in the ER wasn’t the way I
had planned to spend the
majority of my day, but the
nursing staff and doctor
were fabulous.
Just wanted to let you
know how pleased we are
with the quality of care we
—Family member of
a Kadlec patient